
Ablaufplan Pole Camp 2024

Wir teilen das Pole Camp in zwei Gruppen auf. Es sind nur die Workshops deiner gebuchten Gruppe inklusive.

Gruppe 1: grüne Gruppe – Einsteiger (Invert, min. 1 Polesit & Leg Hangs)
Gruppe 2: rote Gruppe – Fortgeschritten (Shouldermount, Inside Leg Hang, Butterfly, Handstand an der Pole, Brass Monkey) – ausgebucht!

Im Zweifel für eine Einschätzung bitte deine*n Heim–PoleTrainer*in fragen.

Für Privates und Semi-Privates mit den Stars schreibt uns bitte eine Mail an:

TAG 1                 25.10.2024

13:00 Uhr                       Ankunft/ Begrüßung (Treffen vor dem Hotelhaupteingang), Check-In

14:00 – 15:30 Uhr         Acro Yoga für alle – damit wir uns gleich richtig kennenlernen 🙂

16:00 – 17:30 Uhr        1. Workshop Gruppe 2, mit Chloe


Renowned for her low pole tricks and transitions, this workshop focuses on
the lower section of the pole. Working on interesting floorwork combos, also
looking at innovative ways to enter and exit the pole. Lots of level options
are given but it is recommended to be confident with inverts, forearm
stands and leg hangs.

18:00 – 19:30 Uhr            1. Workshop Gruppe 1, mit Charlotte

– Tricks & Flips – 

If you love to flip or wish you loved to flip, this is the class for you.  In this class, learn how to make flips safe and attainable as you work towards your dynamic pole goals.

19:45 Uhr                       Abendessen

TAG 2                26.10.2024

ab 08:00 Uhr                  Frühstück

09:30 – 11:00 Uhr        2. Workshop Gruppe 2, mit Charlotte

– Acro Pole Fusion – 


11:30 – 13:00 Uhr           2. Workshop Gruppe 1, mit Charlotte


– Pole Choreo–


13:30 – 15:00 Uhr          3.Workshop Gruppe 2, mit Chloe

Bottoms Up

Learn a variety of combos which will work on handstand entries, exits and
transitions. This is suitable for intermediate upwards, you do not need to be
confident in pole handstands to attend, as level options will be given
throughout. However it is recommended to be comfortable in true grip ayeshas
and forearm stands

15:30 – 17:00 Uhr         3. Workshop für Gruppe 1, mit Chloe

Pole Choreo

For those who love low pole, this class is for you. A 90 minute chores class
where we add low pole tricks and transitions, so you really understand how to
use them in choreography.
Knee pads, leggings and socks are recommended

17:15 – 18:00 Uhr         Stretching mit Steffi

18:00 – 20:00 Uhr          Abendessen

20:00 Uhr                                               Pole Jam – Poleshow – Acro Yoga

TAG 3              27.10.2024

 ab 08:00 Uhr              Frühstück

09:30 – 11:00 Uhr     4. Workshop für Gruppe 1, mit Chloe

Spin Pole

Come and get spinny in this workshop which works on spin techniques,
interesting ways to enter/exit spin pole and creating dynamic combos. Should
be comfortable inverting on spin, level options will be given throughout.

11:30 – 13:00 Uhr         4. Workshop für Gruppe 2,  mit Chloe

Insta Tricks

In this 90 minute workshop Chloe will be teaching some of her most popular
combos, tricks and shapes from her insta page, requests will also be taken.
Variations and progressions will be given but it is recommended to be
comfortable with leg hangs, extended butterfly, inverts and basic forearm

13:30 – 15:00 Uhr       5. Workshop für Gruppe 1,  mit Charlotte

– Spin Pole Combos –

Learn to create flowy spin passes with tricks and transitions that seamlessly melt together. Allie will teach you some of her favorite tricks and transitions on spin, and how to personalize your own shapes and combos. Explore alternate interesting approaches to beginning a spin pass that avoid stepping and climbing.

15:30 – 17:00 Uhr        5. Workshop für Gruppe 2,  mit Charlotte

 – Tricks & Flips –


17:15 – 18:00 Uhr         Stretching mit Steffi

18:30 Uhr                         Abendessen

TAG 4              28.10.2024

ab 08:00 Uhr                   Frühstück

09:00 – 10:30 Uhr        6. Workshop für Gruppe 2,  mit Charlotte

– Pole Handstands –

This workshop will focus on pole handstands, shoulder stands, and forearm stands! We will also cover both on and off the pole drills to improve your handstand technique! Let’s explore how to use handstands as a way to start or end your combos, and play with some pretty shapes!


10:45 – 12:15 Uhr        6. Workshop für Gruppe 1, mit Chloe

Heel Tricks

Chloe will teach her favourite tricks, kips and basework transitions in this 90
minute heels based workshop. Loads of level options will be offered
throughout, but it is recommended to have experience dancing in heels and be
confident inverting and in both inside and outside leg hangs.
Knee pads and closed toe boots are recommended

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